Terms of Use &
Privacy Policy
Service Agreement
Every animal has a unique personality and disposition. Each individual animal also has unique needs. Because of this, every animal needs to be groomed differently. Grooming a pet is inherently risky due to the combination of sharp equipment needed to groom your pet and sudden, unexpected movement pets can make. Due to the unique nature of pet grooming, the client releases AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC, its agents, officers, sub-contractors, and employees from any and all liabilities, financial, and otherwise, for injuries or damage to the Client, the Client’s pet, or any other property of the Client, which arise in any way from services and/or products provided by or as a consequence of the Client’s association with AUQ-MIA PET SALON LLC
The Client assumes all liabilities, financial and otherwise, for the behavior and health of their pet. In consideration of the services rendered by AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC, the Client waives any and all claims, actions, or demands of any nature, foreseen or unforeseen, against AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC relating to the care, control, health, and/or safety of the Client’s pet arising during or after services are performed by AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC. AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC is not responsible for the escape or loss of any pet(s). The Client understands it is possible even for vaccinated pets to become ill with an infectious disease despite being vaccinated, and this is not due to any circumstance or condition related to AUQ-MIA PET SALON LLC.
AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC is not responsible for any allergic reactions resulting from the use of any products.
The Client also agrees to disclose the use or application of any chemical products (such as flea & tick treatments) on the pet before the time of service.
The Client understands that AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC has the right to refuse service at any time for any reason. Customer agrees the minimum visit fee is due for coverage cost.
"Disclaimer" For visit at store or travel
* When MOBILE we MAY DELAY UP 1h on schedule due traffic and pet needs, any update we'll text you. Be aware of let a window before and after the expected schedule time.
*When at store customers agree to bring their pet on time if delay NO more than 15 minutes may lose the spot and hold spot fee is applied. If delay more than 15 minutes the spot is canceled, and full charge is applied.
*All prices are based on individual dogs' size, starting & reference purposes, it may change based on coat condition and the overall difficulty and long time without be professional grooming.
If needed additional service or wrong size booked will be updated on time and priced the according our table size and coat condition. We reserve the right to refuse any services if we notice pets are sick, aggressive or other inconvenient may cause risk for both sides.
The minimum visit fee is $100 until within 29 min. After that full charge is applied.
Some dogs are skittish, or they are very agitated that day and can't stand having their nails done. We will do our best to get those done. If we can't, we'll let the owner know because we don't force it as soon as the dog starts to fight, and it can be hurt. That’s the same to finish the face if they start biting or move a lot. There is no discount for undone nails or face as the dog is sensitive to it.
Extra Fee may apply If Coated needs extra care:
*Demmated session - 30' session - $50 - (We do not demmating senior pets)
* Deshedding $40.
*SEVERE MATTED/shave-down $50. (For overdue grooming).
We suggest avoiding it & extra charge, schedule a regularly grooming and brush (* comb out 3x a week).
Standard grooming is 2-6 weeks. For the most of breed more than 6 weeks is overdue grooming.
Cancelation & Reschedule
All appointments and Van already at the curbside there is minimum fee required $100 non-refundable ( even grooming or not) It covers travel, spot reservation and dog valuation). If at any time during the grooming process the groomer determines for any reason the grooming process should be discontinued, the Client agrees to pay all charges."
To avoid it following the guidelines policy:
1. Cancelation or reschedule 48h before – free
2. Cancelation or reschedule 24h - 12h before $50 fee.
3. Cancelation or reschedule 12h or less or curbside $100
4. During the grooming process the groomer determines for any reason the grooming process should be discontinued - $100 until 15 min – Full charge more 29 min.
5. No show - Full charge.
Medical Treatment
The Client grants permission for AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC, to obtain medical treatment for their pet(s), should it become necessary. This treatment may occur at any veterinary clinic selected by AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC. The Client agrees to pay all costs associated with emergency medical treatment. The Client also agrees to allow AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC, to treat minor cuts, nicks, burns, or injuries at the time of the occurrence if those injuries are determined by the groomer not to require special vet care. The groomer is not a veterinarian. All advice given is a strictly personal opinion.
Matted Coat - Shave-down due over grooming session
The Client is aware that if the coat on their pet(s) is in a matted condition, the pet(s) may not be able to receive the style of cut the Client is requesting. If the matting is severe, brushing the coat out may be too stressful and painful for the pet. In this case, a shave-down may be required. The Client is aware that many skin conditions (including but not limited to bruising, lesions, open sores, maggot or other parasite infestations, scabbing, hair loss, fungal infections, hot spots, etc.) are the result of a matted coat, and it is impossible for any groomer to know what condition the skin may be in underneath a matted coat. If a condition is discovered during the grooming process, the groomer will make the Client aware of this condition at the conclusion of the service. The Client will not hold the groomer or AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC liable for any condition or injury related to a matted coat, or the removal of such. The Client understands a matted pet(s) is at greater risk of injury during the grooming process.
The Client agrees AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC is not responsible for skin changes or coat re-growth or changes after the grooming service. The groomer and AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC advises against shaving a double coat due to the risk of poor or no re-growth, as well as coat quality changes and other unknown issues.
The Client agrees the process of grooming may become stressful for their pet, both physically and mentally, especially in pets with known or unknown medical conditions. The stress of grooming may cause latent, unknown, active, or inactive conditions to become active or inflamed and can result in illness, seizures, or the death of their pet. Although AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC will take responsible care in the grooming of their pet(s); the Client acknowledges that the stress of grooming may initiate or exacerbate medical problems in their pet. The Client agrees not to hold the groomer or AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC responsible for any reactions their pet(s) may have to the grooming process. AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC is not responsible for any pre-existing medical conditions, known or unknown, or the aggravation of those conditions.
The Client agrees they are legally able to make decisions on behalf of the pet(s) being serviced by AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC.
The pet(s) must not have been exposed to distemper, rabies, or parvovirus within thirty (30) days preceding any services received, and each pet has been inoculated as required by California State Law. The Client agrees to present proof of vaccination upon request. This agreement applies to all current, past, and future services provided by AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC. This agreement applies to any and all pets associated with the undersigned Client. The Client agrees to bring any known new behavioral or medical conditions to the attention of AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC before the time of service.
Photography and Videos
Any photograph(s) or video(s) taken by or sent to AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC or their associates are considered to be the property of AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC and can be used and/or reproduced in marketing and other materials without any further consent or authorization and the Client will not be entitled to any compensation for their use.
Health, Medical Problems & Senior Pets
Grooming procedures can sometimes be stressful, especially for a senior or ill pet or pet, and can expose hidden medical problems or aggravate a current one during or after the groom. Because these pets have a greater chance of injury, these pets will be groomed for cleanliness and comfort. In the best interest of your pet, this contract/agreement will give AU-QMIA PET SALON LLC permission to obtain immediate veterinary treatment for your pet should it be deemed necessary. We will do our best to contact you first, then take your pet to your authorized Veterinarian. It is agreed that all expenses for Veterinary care will be covered by the pet’s owner upon signing this contract/agreement.
SENIORS – We will do our very best to complete your senior pet`s groom quickly. Sometimes senior dogs need breaks to keep them comfortable. This creates a longer total groom time. Also, grooming can be stressful for your pet at this age. AUQ-MIA is not responsible for the injury or sudden death of your pet. Also, realizing that aged pets have a greater chance of injury during grooming, I will not hold AU-Q-MIA responsible for accidents or injuries to my pet. The safety come first. Senior pet which takes medication is very sensitive. Such as fast heartbeat, heaving breath, peeing, popping and vomiting or other reason. If at any time during the grooming process the groomer determines for any reason the grooming process should be discontinued, the Client agrees to pay all charges."
When cats are exposed to a new environment they can experience elevated stress levels. If your cat is too stressed to safely continue the groom, all activities will stop and you will be notified. Even not finish the full price will be applied. We suggest for some cat be put on cage or small space such as bathroom 15 minutes before schedule time. Occasionally, grooming can also expose or aggravate a hidden medical problem. Finally, shaving mats or normal grooming can be dangerous since cats have thin skin that may tear even with gentle handling. AU-Q-MIA is not responsible for the injury or sudden death of your pet. Also, realizing that cats have a greater chance of injury during grooming, I will not hold AU-QMIA responsible for accidents or injuries to my pet.
Mat Removal
Pets with matted coats need extra attention during their grooming session. Mats left in a pet's coat only grow tighter and can strangle the pet’s skin, or eventually tear it open. AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC does not wish to cause serious or undue stress to your pet, and will not continually de-mat your pet for you. Mats can be very difficult to remove and may require the pet to be shaved. When necessary, removing a heavily matted coat includes risks of nicks, cuts, or abrasions due to warts, moles or skin folds trapped in the mats. Heavy matting can also trap moisture and urine near the pet’s skin allowing mold, fungus, or bacteria to grow, causing skin irritations that existed prior to the grooming process. Torn skin from mats can also harbor maggots. After-effects of mat removal procedures can include itchiness, skin redness, self-inflicted irritations or abrasions, and failure of the hair to re-grow. Shaved pets are also prone to sunburn and should be kept out of the sun until the hair grows sufficiently to protect the skin. In some cases, pets may also exhibit brief behavioral changes. Prevention is the best defense against matting by scheduling regular grooming appointments. There is an extra charge for dematting. Undersigned Client agrees to any additional charges for dematting.
Puppy’s First Haircut
he first grooming experience for a puppy (or any age dog) requires patience and understanding. More time may be necessary to work with younger pets. Gradually adding steps to the grooming process on a regular basis will help to minimize any potential stress. Owners can help their pets accept grooming by regularly massaging pets’ paws as well as brushing & combing their coats.
Frequent handling of paws can help pets better accept nail clipping or trimming around the feet.
There is always the possibility an accident could occur. Grooming equipment is sharp, even though we use extreme caution and care in all situations, possible problems could occur including cuts, nicks, scratches, quicking of nails, etc. In most cases, this can happen when a pet is wiggling or moving around. If you arrive to pick up your pet and they are still being groomed, please do NOT talk to them or allow him/her to see you. Every effort will be made to ensure your pet is groomed as safely as possible, but an excited pet can be dangerous to continue to work on. If you insist on talking to your pet, or the groomer, we reserve the right to end the grooming session, even if the groom is not completed, and the full grooming price will be charged.
If you suspect your pet has fleas or ticks, prompt and thorough action on YOUR part will be needed. Flea infestations can lead to tapeworm and other health problems. We do offer effective products and can apply treatment if requested. If fleas or ticks are found during the grooming process, your pet will receive a flea bath to kill the parasites, and an extra charge will be applied. Ticks found will be removed, and an additional charge may be applied. If ticks are found, we strongly suggest you have your pet tested for Lyme Disease or other tick-borne illnesses. Please note that parasites are a health hazard to your pet as well as to humans.
Aggressive or Dangerous Pets
Owners MUST inform AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC. if your pet(s) bite, has bitten, or is aggressive to people, other pets, or specific grooming procedures. Muzzles may be used if necessary. Muzzling will not harm your pet and protects both the pet and the groomer. AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC. reserves the right to refuse/stop services for such pet(s) at any time before or during the grooming process and charge a handling fee for Aggressive Dogs in addition to the regular grooming charge. If the pet should bite, the owner agrees to be responsible for any and all related medical bills, recovery costs, loss of income, and equipment damage.
"The Client understands that if their pet has a history of, or repeatedly demonstrates aggression or biting of humans or other animals, they are required to notify AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC before services are rendered. To ensure the safety of the groomer and prevent a pet from injuring themselves, a muzzle may be used if deemed necessary by the groomer. If a pet injures the groomer with a vicious or aggressive bite or attack, the Client agrees to take full responsibility and will be held liable for the expenses related to the treatment of the groomer’s injuries. The Client also understands that all bites will be reported to the local authorities, such as required by law. If at any time during the grooming process the groomer determines for any reason the grooming process should be discontinued, the Client agrees to pay all charges."
Hold Harmless Agreement
By signing this contract you (or your Agent) agree to hold AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC., it’s owners, operators, employees, officers, and directors harmless from any damage, loss, or claim arising from any condition of the undersigned pet, either known or unknown to AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC. It is also further understood and agreed the terms of this agreement can change at any time, without notice, and will overwrite any and all prior signed contracts or releases.
Late or No Pick-Ups
Please be on time to pick up your pet(s). We work by appointment and do not have the staff or facilities for your pet to stay after the groom has been completed. To enforce this policy, a $50 daily kennel fee may be added to your invoice. By signing below, you are that if you fail to pick up your pet within 24 hours of the conclusion of our services AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC is authorized to deliver the animal to a shelter.
Cancellations (including rescheduled appointments)
Must be made at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time. Refunds of any fees will not include any service fees paid to third parties.
For subscription cancellations, the applicable cancellation fees are agreed to be 100% of the unused portion of the subscription as long as no appointments have been made. If an appointment is made and not canceled in time the cancellation fee above applies for that one appointment.
Being also mobile service, AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC is limited in their ability to fill a canceled appointment with short notice. Therefore, the Client agrees to pay a $50 cancellation fee per pet if the cancellation is within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment and AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC is unable to fill the appointment time slot. If the appointment is not canceled and AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC arrives at the location (and previous arrangements have not been made), or client does agreed with service suggested the client will be charged $100 if any service was made or 100% of any fees for services scheduled as the “no-show” fee per pet or cancelation at the curbside. That charge is to cover the amount scheduled and drive and Dog Groomer hours paid. All appointments made and canceled at curbside there is a minimum $100 charge.
Payment must be made at the time of service or previous. All returned checks will be assessed for all associated fees with a minimum fee of $50 plus any bank fees, and the undersigned agrees to be responsible. If action is instituted to recover any fees due under this agreement, the undersigned client agrees to be responsible for any collection costs including any legal fees and costs spent collecting.
Privacy Statements
1. How we use your information:
We use the information we collect in a variety of ways, including:
to operate and improve the Sites and Services; to fulfill a transaction or request; for internal purposes, such as confirming and tracking your order, reception or registration, and for billing purposes;
to understand your use of the Sites and Services;
to better tailor and target advertisements and content to you while you are on and off our Sites;
to communicate with you;
to offer you products and services including offers from our Affiliates or Advertisers;
to conduct research; and
to develop research reporting for us, our Affiliates, and third-party market research, partners.
2. How we share your information:
We may share your information, including in some cases information that specifically identifies you such as your name, your email address, your physical address or telephone number (“personally identifiable information” or “PII“), with Affiliates and trusted third-party partners in the following ways:
to facilitate fulfillment of a transaction or request;
to help operate the Sites and Services:
to serve you advertisements and to improve the effectiveness of targeted advertising of this Policy for more information); or
to provide research reporting for us, our Affiliates, and third-party
Examples of third-party partners: Include vendors who process credit cards payments, services providers who compile and analyze data collected by us, service providers who supplement or match the information we have collected with information from other parties, market research companies, Advertisers, call centers, and email support vendors. Upon entering into relationships with these thirdparty partners, we implement reasonable contractual and technical protections to limit the use of your information, including your PII, to the scope of the service. When we share or sell aggregated and unaggregated reporting information about the use of and users of the Sites and Services (e.g., market research data), including search and URL information, to Affiliates and third-party partners, we do not intentionally disclose PII.
The Client understands their pet(s) will be tethered during the grooming process.
I agreed this term is valid for all future services I may book with AU-Q-MIA PET SALON.
Your pet is important to AU-Q-MIA PET SALON LLC, and we want to assure you that every effort will be made to make your pet’s experience as safe, stress-free, and pleasant as possible!!! Thank you, we appreciate your business.